Large breasts can cause a many problems, including neck, back, and shoulder pain, headaches, shoulder-grooving (where the bra-straps dig in), postural problems (which contribute to upper extremity nerve problems), interference with activities and exercise, rashes under the breasts, inability to find clothing that fits properly, and problems with self-image. As a result, women with large breasts are often in chronic pain, have little energy, may be overweight because they are unable to exercise, and have self-image problems, all of which interfere with quality of life.
Invariably, surgery is the most effective, most efficient, and most successful way to treat the problem of large and heavy Breast [macromastia].
Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction is an operative procedure in which breast tissue and excess breast skin are removed. The removal of breast tissue results in a smaller breast. Removal of excess skin results in a breast that is higher on the chest wall and more aesthetic. This is an important component of this operation, because it allows the breast to be restored to a youthful appearance and shape. If excess skin were not removed, the breast would actually look worse following breast reduction than before surgery.
During the operation, your nipples will be moved to a higher position on your breasts. This is usually accomplished WITHOUT removing your nipples and putting them back on. The technique plastic surgeons use to accomplish this is called transposition, in which the nipple stays fully attached to the breast - only the surrounding skin is moved. Because the nipple preserves its attachment, most women retain (or improve) nipple sensation, the ability to attain an erect nipple. Breast reduction surgery does come with risks, which should be fully discussed with your surgeon.
Breast Reduction: During and After Surgery
Anesthesia: General
Length of surgery: 2-4 hours
Length of stay: Overnight
Discomfort: Moderate. Anticipate 3-7 days of prescription pain medication.
Swelling and Bruising: Improve in 2-4 weeks.
Bandages: Will be removed in 1-7 days. Stitches: Will be removed in 5-7 days or will be absorbable.
Support: You will wear a sports bra for 1-3 weeks. Back to work: 1-3 weeks.
Exercise: May be resumed in 2-4 weeks.
Final result: Will be seen after the scars have matured.
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