Value added serviced provide to the patient are in addition to routine facilities. These are :
All our valued patients are internet users. To remain in touch with their world and business, it is important to keep checking their mails and responding accordingly.
This facility also helps them to transfer money from their accounts and operate banks.
No added charges for this facility.
Food is prepared and made available for those who wish to avail this service. Variety of food preparations to suit the taste and need of most of the patient coming from different parts of the world is provided. This ensures safety, prevention of gastric upset and convenience.
Charges are made lump sum per day basis for one patient inclusive of all consumptions unlimited.
Pick-up service is provided to those who wish to be arranged for them. This ensures safety, security, avoid hassle of drivers and other nuisance.
Patients coming are at ease and not worried how to reach hospital or locate hospital.
Nearest Airport is AMRITSAR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT [Raja Sansi], it is 90 minute drive from the hospital.
INDIRA GANDHI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT is at NEW DELHI, capital of India. It is 5 hours drive. Pick-up is sent to welcome our patients who asks for this service.
Charges are made as on actual basis.
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